ageLOC Me

ageLOC Me hand

ageLOC® Me

Customized Skin Care System


ageLOC Me is a unique anti-aging skin care system that delivers a personalized daily regimen based on your skin care preferences and needs. ageLOC Me is Nu Skin’s most sophisticated skin care product, offering advanced anti-aging formulations and patented technology to deliver skin care that is customized for you, by you.


A first-of-its-kind system, ageLOC Me combines five powerful anti-aging moisturizers and serums from almost 2,000 possible combinations, with an award-winning beauty device and a mobile app to deliver a truly personalized skin care regimen. The smart device weaves the three serums together in microlayers before application, providing more even distribution and better absorption than mixing by hand.



The process starts with you. After you take the simple electronic skin assessment featuring a series of questions about your environment, geographical location, individual skin attributes, personal aging concerns and preferences, you’ll receive your personal skin care code, which is used to determine your ageLOC Me customized set.


This code determines the combination of three serums, plus one daytime moisturizer and one nighttime moisturizer, that will be included in your ageLOC Me skin care regimen. These cartridges vary and, when used together, will work to treat your individual skin care concerns and needs.


You can retake the ageLOC Me skin assessment at any time to adjust for any changes in climate, location or skin care concerns.  



ageLOC Me is ideal for adult women and men seeking to prevent, minimize or reverse signs of aging on their face. 


Features & Benefits

  • One smart, hygienic delivery device
  • Five unique anti-aging products, including a daytime moisturizer, nighttime moisturizer and three serums 
  • Almost 2,000 different product combinations
  • A precise dose every day, twice a day, that helps manage product use and eliminate product waste
  • Travel mode feature to dispense the perfect amount of product in convenient travel containers
  • Alert capability that detects when product is low