Make Exercise a Habit in 3 Easy Steps

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We are half way through 2013. For those who need a motivational reinforcement to achieve your health goals, here are 3 tips to make exercise a positive habit in your life.


1. Commit to work out with a friend. If you make plans to go for a run or walk with another person, it is much harder to let them down than it is to talk yourself out of going alone.


2. Exercise first thing in the morning. Make it a priority to wake up 30 minutes earlier and workout. This way you won't get tied up in the demands of your day, and will be less tempted to make excuses later on.


3. Keep track of your activity. Write down your activity in a journal - what you did and how long you exercised each day. Also keep track of how much weight you've changed. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment that will motivate you to keep it up.


Let's talk about it: How are you staying motivated to achieve your health goals?
